Conan O’Brien Remembers Norm Macdonald’s Comedy Courage After Being Warned To Stop O.J. Jokes

by | Apr 12, 2024 | Blog

O.J. Simpson was on everyone’s mind today after his death, and Conan O’Brien took the opportunity to salute his late friend, comic Norm Macdonald, who continued doing Simpson jokes even after being warned by NBC higher-ups to knock it off. Sitting Thursday with CNN’s Jake Tapper to promote his new show, Conan O’Brien Must Go, […]

​O.J. Simpson was on everyone’s mind today after his death, and Conan O’Brien took the opportunity to salute his late friend, comic Norm Macdonald, who continued doing Simpson jokes even after being warned by NBC higher-ups to knock it off. Sitting Thursday with CNN’s Jake Tapper to promote his new show, Conan O’Brien Must Go, O.J. Simpson was on everyone’s mind today after his death, and Conan O’Brien took the opportunity to salute his late friend, comic Norm Macdonald, who continued doing Simpson jokes even after being warned by NBC higher-ups to knock it off. Sitting Thursday with CNN’s Jake Tapper to promote his new show, Conan O’Brien Must Go, […]  

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